For this quarter’s commentary, we thought we’d go in a different direction. Brian Kelly is an insurance specialist on our Wealth Management team here at The Partners Group. Brian recently completed extensive travel with his family, including home schooling children along the way! With the summer travel season here, we asked Brian to share a few tips and tricks to help us as we get ready to explore our world.

—Your Wealth Management Team


I was fortunate to spend a year travelling abroad with my family, and we learned a lot along the way. Whatever it is that excites you about travelling, here are some tips on how to make the most of your international summer travel season.

Before You Head Outside of the US

    • Have your travel documents prepared well in advance of your trip. Do you need a travel visa to enter or depart from the country you are visiting? Are there any requirements due to COVID vaccinations?
    • Communicate with your lodgings provider abroad. Ask if they can facilitate your entry into the country. This can be beneficial for multiple reasons:
      • It can ease your passage through Customs and Immigration.
      • It can help with collecting luggage and transportation from the airport.
    • Learn a few basic words and phrases in the native language where you are visiting:
      • Hello!
      • My name is ____. What is your name?
      • Thank you.
      • Excuse me, or pardon me.
    • Google Translate – Download the language to your phone so you can use it even if you are offline. (I can’t tell you how much this helped us!)
    • Research your destination:
      • Eat like a local – Do some research about the area you are visiting. What type of cuisine is it known for? Be adventurous and give it a try!
      • Find out if tipping is an accepted custom in the areas you will be travelling. If so, be prepared with smaller denominations of local currency and keep that currency in a different place than your travel money. This way, you aren’t pulling out loads of cash and making yourself a visible target for theft.

While You Are Traveling

  • Consider the pace of your trip and schedule a day for “recharging” if you will be on the go. This is another chance to delve into the culture you are visiting. How do the locals reinvigorate themselves? – hot springs, massage, sauna, steam bath, onsen, cupping, acupuncture, etc.
  • Drink as much water as you possibly can! Staying hydrated combats the effects of jet lag, improves sleep, aids in digestion, and generally helps you feel good while travelling.

Above all, keep in mind that this is supposed to be fun! Almost certainly, you will encounter some sort of stressful situation while travelling. Do not let it ruin your vacation! If someone you are traveling with is stressed, try giving them a hug. If you are stressed, pause for a moment to gain perspective while taking some deep breaths. Find a way to laugh at yourself or the absurdity of what is going on. Then, return to your trip with an appreciation for the experience.

Remember, staying connected to each other helps move past difficult moments. Be there for each other and you’ll have bonds and shared memories that last a lifetime.

And, really, isn’t that the purpose of travel?


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