Research shows that hybrid or remote employees often struggle to understand what is expected of them at work and have a more challenging time thinking about their career development opportunities. The younger generation entering the workforce worries that the lack of face time with leaders may hinder their career opportunities as building relationships virtually can be more challenging.1

Whether your workforce is hybrid, fully remote, or in-person, setting meaningful goals will apply to your workforce and help them feel more connected to your organization.

The Importance of Regular Check-ins

As a leader or manager in the workplace, how often are you checking in with your staff about their goals? Often these conversations happen at the beginning of a new year, during year-end conversations, or maybe even quarterly.

However, research shows that having a frequent dialogue about goal setting during 1:1s is a powerful way to drive engagement. When people feel that their job expectations or career goals are unclear, it can lead to increasing disengagement. Individuals will quickly become less motivated if they don’t fully understand what they are working towards.

Ask Questions

As a leader or manager, how do you know if you are asking the right questions about career growth and goal setting? Every organization has their own operational tactics for setting goals.

We often focus on the individual’s goals during those 1:1 conversations but we need to think bigger and help employees connect their goals to the team goals and then the company’s goals.

Can you clearly explain how one’s individual contributions impact the team’s goals, then the company’s mission? This approach can drive meaning for individuals as it connects their individual efforts to the bigger picture.

A Consider Making a PACT With Your Team2

Have you asked a team member how they like to set goals? Consider applying the “PACT framework,” which stands for Purposeful, Actionable, Continuous, Trackable.

PACT’s emphasis on purpose is an influential aspect of goal setting. If you can clearly understand the why driving the behavior, you are going to be more motivated and follow through on your tasks.

Next, PACT focuses on taking action, which creates the opportunity to discuss those big picture, ambitious goals. It allows you to clearly think through the actions that are going to get you there – how will I make progress on this?

Making progress doesn’t happen overnight, so know that this is a process of continuous growth, rather than one single outcome. Maintain focus on what can you do right now – this mindset will keep you moving forward and making progress.

Tracking is crucial, as it can create clarity and provide you with a sense of accomplishment. We often overthink what constitutes tracking, yet it can be as simple as a yes or no. “Did I do this today? Yes.”


Review these actionable steps for leaders and managers:

  1. Frequent Check-Ins: Increase the frequency of your check-ins with your staff. Make these conversations a regular part of your 1:1 meetings. It does not have to be formal.
  2. Clear Expectations: Ensure that your staff understands their job expectations. Provide them with clear, concrete objectives.
  3. Ask the Right Questions: Engage in meaningful dialogue about career growth and goal setting. Ask open-ended questions that encourage your staff to think about their aspirations and how they align with the company’s goals.
  4. Connect Individual Goals to Team and Company Goals: Help your staff see the bigger picture. Show them how their individual goals contribute to the team’s success and the company’s mission.
  5. Apply the PACT

For inquiries about how our PartnerWell experts can assist you and your team, contact Hayley and Jenna at


  1. Harvard Business Review. (2022) Addressing the burnout, loneliness, and indifference associated with remote work – sponsor content from JLL.
  2. The PACT method was created by BJ Fogg, PhD. Fogg, BJ. (2019) Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything. Virgin Books.